News Update September 2022
To all our Naomi’s Joy family and friends
It is always good to catch up with one another.
Our families have been busy the last 6 months seeing babies off to their forever families and welcoming new babies into their homes. Saying goodbye to a little life that you have nurtured, prayed over, and protected is really quite something and the weight of loss is more than some can bear. Please pray for our families, their hearts, and for strength to do it all again. We have also welcomed a new family into the fold and they are waiting for their baby patiently (I hope).
We have completed First Aid training this year with Safe Kids. It really was a great opportunity to refresh or learn from scratch the basics of baby first aid, CPR, and what to do if the baby chokes. We invited some others to join from our local church covering who are involved in a ministry based on the First 1000 days. Great fun was had by all.
We were invited to participate in a Women’s Day market. It was such a great platform to do some marketing. Renee’s fudge and our raffle tickets sold well. We also managed to sell a few tickets for our High Tea. We got given a prize from GO Green ( to add as a second prize for our raffle. Our first prize was a voucher for R5OO from MicsBakery(
Our Spring High Tea was a roaring success with over 90 people attending. We had a fabulous afternoon which led to very nice cash injection. Everyone had a feasting afternoon eating delicious treats donated by a host of folks. How blessed we were! We also had Hope for Babies (, Sweet Peas (, and Sikunye (, who we collaborate with, represented at our tea, which was an added bonus. Thanks again to the many who contributed to make the afternoon possible.
We are working tirelessly on our social media, and have really extended our reach. Thanks to Christyl for her help and dedication to this endeavour.
We have also been approached by a new set-up to help raise funds for NPOs. We are excited to have them help us sell our clothing brand.
We continue to be encouraged by all God is doing to make Naomi’s Joy financially stable, and the wonderful people he has brought across our paths to help us.
Kind Regards
Jane for Team Joy
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