Greetings family and friends
We hope this update finds you well. We are in awe of our amazing Father and the way He cares for us, the care families, and the babies we serve.
Since we last chatted we have had a flurry of activity with babies coming and going. Some have been adopted, some reunified with family, others going into full-time foster care and one into a children’s home. We have also had a head trauma, TB diagnosis and Pneumonia among other things.
The need for care families is immense, our families are at capacity and yet are still being phoned to take babies, toddlers and sometimes older children. Being those who have huge hearts it is tough for them to say “NO”. This is however a huge toll on the families and on their resources. We want to get back to the “one baby at a time”, but the demand completely outweighs this romantic notion.
Our Care families are struggling under the stress of the demand and balancing that with their capacity, personal resources and the great needs of these little ones (medical, interventions and so on).
We are tirelessly working to provide for them, and unfortunately, we have found ourselves scraping the bottom of the barrel and are now living by faith and having to trust God to provide every month for us as an organization.
We would appreciate your continuous support through prayers, resources and financial contributions.
We have a fundraising and awareness Tea on the 18th of May to honour our care mothers and mothers in general. Our carefamilies will be doing a panel Q and A.
You can buy your tickets here.
Also, the lovely Carika Bebb ( will be hosting the event.
We appreciate you all and look forward to connecting with you again.
Kind Regards
Jane for Team Joy.
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