How to become a care family
Our ultimate aim is for the vulnerable babies in our care to be placed within ‘forever families in order for them to fulfil their God-given passions and purpose.
The reality is that it could take between three and six months – sometimes even longer – for this to become possible. We need families who are prepared to care for these babies for pre-determined lengths of time. Please consider fulfilling this vital role in our vision.
In our organisation a care family would be required to take one baby at a time to look after as their own, until the baby is hopefully adopted. (3-6 months)
In order to become a Care Family, you would need to be screened and accepted on government recognised criteria, by a registered Child Protection Organisation, as well as the criteria of Naomi’s Joy, and be willing to provide a loving, healthy and sustainable home environment for the child in your care.
Naomi’s Joy offers support to our Care Families with training, resources, and emotional, physical and spiritual support in the form of Support Groups, a Resource Centre, and a Social Worker.